

Welcome to my blog, aka the dangerous and intricate workings of my complicated mind. Join me as I document my travels, thoughts, and this journey we call life.

A New Adventure

A New Adventure

If there’s one thing I’m super awesome at, it’s making impulsive decisions. Say hello to—what I hope to be—my last impulsive decision of 2018. I'M STARTING A BLOG! (I hoped that was obvious to you all since you are reading said blog).

Why did I decide to start a blog? I have no effing idea. I’ve never been good at journaling. I have about 3 different travel journals sitting in boxes at my house right now that I bought with the intention of actually writing in every day while I was on a trip. Do you know how many days I actually wrote in them?….

Probably about 5 days out of all my time traveling over the last 5 years. 5. DAYS.

needless to say this should be interesting endeavor.

So, again, why did I decide to start a blog when I rarely write, you ask? PEER PRESSURE!

okay…okay…that and I can be impulsive, as I said, due to my ADD/ADHD. Andddddd….because it’s December and I’ve already blow a sh*t ton of money and was like, “F%@k it, YOLO”. (Yes, I am bringing YOLO back—at least this month.)

But in all seriousness, I’ve had a few friends tell me I should because they love my travels. And while I love traveling, my life is so much more than my adventures.

Most of my time isn’t spent in some grand destination, its spent in my head—for better or for worst. While this allows me to contemplate the universe and all it’s grand design, I mostly utilize it for driving myself nuts. Well, maybe “nuts” isn’t the right word. But I can get caught up in my head and lose the present.

While you may disagree, I think its my best and worst quality. The worst for reasons already stated, and the best because I think there is beauty in the complicated mind. I am both extremely emotional and logical—which is an interesting combination to say the least. My mind is a constant system of tangents that span all spectrums of emotions and rationale, but eventually—eventually being the key word—I am able to take the chaos inside of my mind and bring it to order. Not necessarily in a nice little package—again, #ADD—but in enough sense that my mind calms and I can step forward out of the confines of my thoughts.

And so here we are with this grand idea of sharing my thoughts and adventures. I’m not sure what’d you’d like to know about my travels, so feel free to comment or message me with things you’d like me to write about. For now, you’ll be stuck with the thoughts I have rolling around in my head until my next trip—Hi, January!—unless someone wants to pay me to travel, then all bets are off…

Hope you’ll join me on this adventure in this new year—wherever it may lead.

xo Kait

P.S. To my grammar nazis out there, forgive me—and also to any of my over politically correct friends.
P.S.S. I know the website isn’t anywhere close to complete. But, as I’ve said, I’m impulsive; thus, I’m not good at waiting. So I wouldn’t bother navigating past this page since you aren’t going to find anything.

New Year, Same Me

New Year, Same Me